Two Savernake bound trains at Marlborough. 31802 heads the 14.01 Cheltenham Lansdown -
Southampton Terminus service due to depart Marlborough at 15.50 and routed via Savernake High Level.
Soon after taking the Station Master's job, my father travelled on a 16.00 service to meet with his counterpart at
Savernake, Mr Oram. Whilst heading through the tunnel just after departure, he was somewhat alarmed to be overtaken
in the blackness by a train travelling in the same direction - a late running Southampton train. The concept of
having a double track railway south of Marlborough, which worked as two independent lines as far as Savernake, took
him a little while to come to terms with!
Date probably mid-1950's. Photographer unknown.
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3645 on the left is in charge of the 16.00 Marlborough - Savernake Low Level shuttle. Porter Arthur Clements is on
the right.